
New Build Private and Social Housing


New Build Private and Social Housing

This scheme is situated at the heart of a Chester City Council development corridor established in 2001 to establish redevelopment along the Shropshire Union Canal in Boughton. The core asset of this corridor is the Leadworks site which closed in 2001. After the site was purchased, TNW were appointed to design the 200+ private apartments and social houses for Bellway Homes and Muir Group Housing Association.

The site is of significant historical importance with the proposals surrounding a Grade-II* listed Shot tower, built in 1799 to provide lead shot for the Napoleonic wars. It was necessary to establish a variety of scales of building and evolve the character of the site to appropriately reflect on the heritage asset in creating this new mixed-use quarter.

The private housing, parallel to the canal, comprises one bedroom, two bedroom and duplex apartments constructed in timber frame. The social housing, between the private housing and existing Victorian terraces, comprises two storey town houses and apartments completed in traditional construction.